The furnishing of water to customers by the city through its waterworks system shall be governed by the regulations set out in this article.

(Code 2019)

The city does not guarantee the delivery of water through any of its mains and connecting services at any time except only when its mains, pumping machinery, power service connection are in good working order, and the supply of water is enough for the usual demand of its consumers.

(Code 2019)

(a)   The owner of all houses, buildings, or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purpose, situated within the city abutting on any street, alley, or right-of-way in which there is now located or may in the future be located near public water mains, is hereby required at his or her own expense to make connection to such public water main.

(b)   Before any connection is made to the city’s water system an application must be made in writing to the city by the owner of the premises, or his or her authorized representative, for a permit to make such connection.

(Code 2019)

(a)   Any person, firm or corporation desiring a connection with the municipal water system shall apply in writing to the city, on a form furnished by the city for that purpose, for a permit to make the connection as specified in Chapter 2, Article 2.

(b)   The application shall:

(1)   Contain an exact description including street address of the property to be served;

(2)   State the size of tap required;

(3)   State the size and kind of service pipe to be used;

(4)   State the full name of the owner of the premises to be served;

(5)   State the purpose for which the water is to be used;

(6)   State any other pertinent information required by the city clerk;

(7)   Be signed by the owner or occupant of the premises to be served, or his or her authorized agent.

(c)   Each application for a connection permit shall be accompanied by payment of fees and/or costs in full as specified in section 7-206.

(Code 2019)

Each water connection already made to an original water line shall be considered a separate water user and shall be charged a minimum rate to the master meter (Original Tap) and charged to the original subscriber.

The governing body may by majority vote allow, if permissible by law, and Rural Water District No. 3, a water tap to be made for usage of water within one-quarter mile of the city limits of the City of Plainville, Kansas, and/or the reconnection of any prior City approved original tap. Therefore, no new water taps shall be allowed for water usage outside the city limits of the City of Plainville, Kansas, unless first approved by the governing body pursuant to this provision.

(Code 2019)

The connection fees for the water works system shall be as follows:

(a)   For tapping a main with a three-fourths inch tap, three-fourths inch service line and installing three-fourths inch meter - $600.00 plus tax.

(b)   For tapping a main with a one-inch tap, one-inch service line and installing one-inch meter - $800.00 plus tax.

(c)   For tapping a main with a one and one-half inch tap, one and one-half inch service line and installing one and one-half inch meter - $1,250.00 plus tax.

(d)   For tapping a main with a two-inch tap, two-inch service line and installing two-inch meter - $2,000.00 plus tax.

(Code 2019)

There shall be a curb cock in every service line attached to the city main, the same to be placed within the meter box. Curb cocks may be supplied with strong and suitable “T” handles.

(Code 2019)

Check valves are required on all connections to steam boilers or on any other connection deemed necessary by the Public Works Director. Safety and relief valves shall be placed on all boilers or other steam apparatus connected with the water system where the steam pressure may be raised more than 40 pounds per square inch.

(Code 2019)

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, other than duly authorized city officials or employees to turn water on or off at the water meter or curb cock shut off, with a key or in any other manner, without first obtaining written permission from the city.

(Code 2019)

(a)   All water furnished to customers shall be metered.

(b)   Meters shall be located between the sidewalk or property line and curbing when the main is in the street, and on private property within three feet of the alley line when the main is in the alley. In the business district the meters may be installed in the basement at a location specified by the city.

(c)   The city’s responsibility stops at the property line.

(Code 2019)

It shall be unlawful for any person to break the seal of any meter, to alter the register or mechanism of any meter, or to make any outlet or connection in any manner so that water supplied by the city may be used or wasted without being metered. It shall be unlawful for any person except an authorized employee of the city to turn any curb cock on or off unless written permission has been received as specified in section 7-209.

(Code 2019)

No allowances shall be made for water lost through leaks caused by carelessness, neglect or otherwise after the same has pass through the meter. However, every customer shall have the right to appeal to the city from a meter reading which he or she may consider excessive as specified in section 7-105.

(Code 2019)

At the time of making application for water service, the property owner or customer shall:

(a)   Complete, in full, an Application for Utility Service with a State approved form of identification, and;

(b)   Pay a non-refundable connection or transfer fee in the amount and manner specified in section 7-107.

(Code 2019; Ord 20-09)

The city reserves the right to interrupt water service for making repairs or extensions to water lines or equipment.

(Code 2019)

It shall be a violation of this article for any unauthorized person to:

(a)   Perform any work upon the pipes or appurtenances of the City’s waterworks system beyond a private property line unless such person is employed by the City;

(b)   Make any connections with any extension of the supply pipes of any consumer without written permission to do so having been first obtained from the governing body;

(c)   Remove, handle, molest, or disturb any meter, meter lid, cutoff, or any other appurtenances to the water system of the City.

(d)   No water shall be resold, distributed, or supplied by the recipient thereof from the City supply to any premises other than the premises for which a utility service application has been made and approved as stated in 7-213.

(Code 2019; Ord. 20-09)

Water users shall prevent unnecessary waste of water and shall keep sprinklers, hydrants, faucets and all apparatus, including the service line leading from the property to the meter in good condition at their expense.

(Code 2019)

Authorized employees of the city may enter upon any premises at reasonable hours for reading the meter, servicing, or inspecting meters or water lines.

(Code 2019)

(a)   The meter charges, water usage fees and rates for the furnishing of water by the municipal water system of the City of Plainville, Kansas, to consumers are hereby established as follows:


Water usage classes

Meter Charge

1-5,000 Gallons

5,001-10,000 Gallons


>10,000 Gallons

Class A






Class B






Class C






(2)   All churches within the City shall pay $30.00 per month regardless of water usage if   consumed on church property. Parsonages will pay residential rates and fees.

(3)   The bulk water rates are not set by City ordinance and shall be determined by motion of the Governing Body of the City of Plainville, Kansas, and may be changed as it may so desire in accordance with applicable law.

(b)   All Class C rural (Outside City) connections shall be continuous service; no seasonal connects or disconnects unless permanent. All Class C rural (Outside City) are subject to discontinuance of service during period of emergency at the discretion of the Governing Body.

(1)   Classes are defined:

(A)  Class A - Single unit users;

(B)  Class B - Multiple unit users;

(C)  Class C - Outside City unit users that use water off city lateral lines.

(c)   The rates identified in Section 7-218(a)(1) shall be revised as follows:

(1)   Meter Charge – an increase for all Classes of one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) every January 1st until December 31, 2034.

(2)   Per Thousand Gallons used – an increase for all Classes of fifty cents ($.50) per thousand gallons every January 1st until December 31, 2034.

(d)   The amounts to be deposited and applied to the Pool Operating Fund will be as follows:

(1)   One dollar from each monthly billed water meter charge, and

(2)   Beginning January 1, 2025: $.002 per gallon of water sold by the City and remain at that amount until additional revisions are enacted;

(e)   The above rates apply to all consumers regardless of meter size.

(f)   Discount. Those persons using the municipal water system, who are 18 years of age or older on the first day of January of each year, and who have an annual income as published by HUD (very low category) or less, may be eligible for a rate reduction of 30 percent. To qualify for such discount, persons must properly complete a request form for a rate reduction, available from the City Clerk, provide requested annual income documentation, and have such completed form approved by the City Clerk.

(Code 2019; Ord. G-21-03; G-24-03)

No person owning, or occupying premises connected to the municipal water system shall use or allow to be used during a fire any water from the water system except for the purpose of extinguishing the fire. Upon the sounding of a fire alarm it shall be the duty of every such person to see that all water services are tightly closed and that no water is used except in extraordinary cases of emergency during the fire.

(Code 2019)

No person shall establish or permit to be established or maintain or permit to be maintained, any cross connection whereby a private, auxiliary, or emergency water supply other than the regular public water supply of the city may enter the supply and distributing system of the city unless specifically approved by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the governing body.

(Code 2019)

Approved devices to protect against backflow or backsiphonage shall be installed at all fixtures and equipment where backflow and/or backsiphonage may occur and where there is a hazard to the potable water supply in that polluted water or other contaminating materials may enter the public water supply. Any situation in which a heavy withdrawal of water, such as a sudden break in the main or water being used from a fire hydrant, may cause a negative pressure to develop which could lead to backsiphonage of polluted water into the system shall be improper and must be protected by approved backflow preventive valves and systems as determined by the superintendent.

(Code 2019)

The city utility superintendent or other designee of the governing body shall have the right of entry into any building or premises in the city as frequently as necessary in his or her judgment to ensure that plumbing has been installed in accordance with the laws of the city to prevent the possibility of pollution of the water supply of the city.

(Code 2019)

Pursuant to the city’s constitutional home rule authority and K.S.A. 65-163a, the city by its utility superintendent may refuse to deliver water through pipes and mains to any premises where a condition exists which might lead to the contamination of the public water supply system and it may continue to refuse the delivery of water to the premises until that condition is remedied. In addition, the city utility superintendent may terminate water service to any property where the cross connections or backsiphonage condition creates, in the judgment of the superintendent, an emergency danger of contamination to the public water supply.

(Code 2019)